As detailed in today’s ID@Xbox Showcase, Demon Turf will be launching this summer on Steam, Nintendo Switch and Xbox. Described as a “3D platformer with attitude”, you can try a free version, Demon Turf: Trials, on Steam right now. It contains two levels from the game, a tutorial, and a weekly trial. “Demon Turf was one of the titles that made us want to set up our new publishing arm,” Playtonic boss Gavin Price said. “Our aim was always to partner with those developers who make the kinds of games we love to play or we wish we’d come up with first which is exactly how we felt when we first played Slime-San.” Last month I spoke with Price at length about the launch of Playtonic Friends and what it would mean for the studio’s own output. Playtonic is now expanding its own internal team, Price said, and had multiple “Yooka-Laylee universe” games of its own in development.