High-profile attorney Lisa Bloom spoke at a press conference outside Activision Blizzard headquarters representing an employee named Christine, who has said she was subjected to abuse while working there. Bloom has been involved in numerous sexual misconduct cases, including representing model Janice Dickinson in her defamation case against Bill Cosby, four women who alleged sexual misconduct by then-President Donald Trump in 2016, and advising film producer Harvey Weinstein (for which she was heavily criticised). “We are here because sexual harassment victims at Activision Blizzard have been ignored,” said Bloom. “They are still suffering, and it’s time that they are prioritised.” Activision Blizzard reached an $18m settlement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in September, following an ongoing investigation by three government agencies including the EEOC. “The EEOC entered into a consent decree with the company, requiring it to set up an $18m fund to compensate victims,” said Bloom. “Given that there are hundreds of victims, I think we can all agree that the $18 million number is woefully inadequate.” Bloom claimed the concerns of victims have gone unaddressed and called for a “streamlined, fast, fair process” for the resolution of legal claims against Activision Blizzard. “Set up a fund in excess of $100 million,” she said. “Let victim advocates participate in setting the rules, and let victims make their cases to sympathetic claims administrators who have a history of caring about victims.” Bloom was joined at the press conference by her client Christine, who detailed the abuse she experienced over four years at the company. This included vulgar comments about her body, unwanted sexual advances, inappropriate touching, “alcohol-infused team events” and invitations for casual sex with her supervisors. Upon complaining, she was told her co-workers were “just joking”, advised not to speak to the human resources department, and was demoted and denied profit sharing opportunities. Activision Blizzard responded to the press conference in a statement issued to PC Gamer. “The company is committed to creating an environment we can all be proud of. We are in the process of implementing significant changes and improvements to the scope, structure and efficiency of our compliance and human resources teams, reporting systems, and transparency into our investigation process. The safety and support of our employees, especially those who have suffered, remains our top priority.” This news follows an ongoing walkout by employees at the Activision Blizzard owned studio Raven Software, after the dismissal of members of its QA team.